Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christmas Time

Fireplace and Mantle

Lights on the outside of the house

(we put these up a few weeks ago, but waited to turn them on till last night)

Christmas Tree

After we got back from New Boston, I started working on decorating the house for Christmas. I have to give Jordan some credit, he helped when I needed someone to pull some stuff down and many other little things. Our house decorations have a color scheme of white and silver. I get so excited about Christmas every year. I have tried to slow myself down and enjoy the holidays and not have everything done before Thanksgiving was over. I just enjoy having the house all decorated. It looks so joyful and cozy.

Thanks babe for helping me do stuff this year. I really appreciate you more than you'll ever know.

18 week Check Up

Jordan and I went to the OB on Wednesday to see how the progress was going with Baby G. The OB said that the baby is growing accordingly and the heart beat (150) was normal and doing well. We tried to get the OB to do a sonogram to see if we could find out the sex of the baby, but she said that we would have to wait until our perintal appointment. So Jordan and I are scheduled to see the perintal doctor on Tuesday, December 2nd at 9:00. We are so excited and hope that the baby will be facing the right way to show us if it's a boy or girl. I promise, I'll post boy or girl as soon as I know.

Earlier that day, I had an endocrinologist appointment to see how my diabetes was doing with the pregnancy. Going to the two doctors every month is definitely time consuming, but I'm sure this is just the beginning. The nurse practitioner said that my A1C test (test showing blood glucose average over the past 6 weeks) was 5.8. Just so you know, that is the best that my diabetes has measured since I was diagnosed. The baby has already been a blessing in my life without it knowing it.

After those two appointments, I told myself that I am very thankful to be in good health and have a healthy baby. I've decided that it's time to stop being nervous about my diabetes with the pregnancy and just enjoy every minute of it.

Thankful for.....

Freedom of Religion
My husband
Baby Griffin
Good Thanksgiving Food
My Job

This is a time of year that a lot of us sit back and realize what we have to be thankful for. The older I get, the more I realize how much I should be thankful throughout the entire year. God has granted us a life here on earth, and it is our job to make the best of it and make him proud. I'm looking forward to what 2009 brings. I'm going to do a better job and being thankful and thanking those around me for the little things that make our days special.

Thanksgiving for Jordan and I has been great. We went to New Boston to spend some time with my family and get away for awhile. We both enjoyed the great home cookin' by my Meemee and Mom. One day, I only hope that my kids enjoy my cooking as much as I enjoy their cookin'. Thanks for all the good food. Baby Griffin and I really enjoyed it.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I am so excited about Christmas!  This time of year with Thanksgiving and Christmas just brings a happiness to my heart and makes me filled with joy for life.  I'm working on trying to be that way the entire year.  

So with the holidays around the corner, I told Jordan that it might be smart to go ahead and put our Christmas lights up on the house.'s not because I'm so excited about Christmas.  I thought it would probably be a good idea since my belly's not getting any smaller and the weather is not going to get any better.  

So this past weekend, Jordan and I put our Christmas lights on the house.  You should have seen our neighbors faces.  We had quite a few of them make comments and ask what were we thinking.  Jordan knows how much I love to have the white lights outline the roof of the house, so he bravely climbed the ladder.  I love you honey!!!